
12th January 2020 Bulletin

If you wish to read this week's bulletin please click on the link below to read a pdf version of it.

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Here is a text version of our announcements:

Calendar of Events: - before attending please ALWAYS check against troychurch.net/calendar


14th – Bible Break – 9:30 AM @ the Church Building

15th – Family Time – 6:00 PM @ the Church Building

15th – Peak of the Week – 7:00 PM @ the Church Building

- New items added to the calendar will appear in red font when first added

Minister’s Corner

Good morning and thank you for being here this morning. I pray that you will have a blessed time of communion with the Church and with God as we lift our voices and direct our focus and prayers to praise Him.

Unfortunately, I started this year “with the left,” as we say in Romania when something goes wrong from the beginning. Together with two of the children (Isabella and Atticus), I came down with the flu on Monday and have had a pretty rough week. Isabella seemed to fair best out of us three with Atticus only struggling a couple of nights while I seem to have had the worst of it. Please pray for Leslie, Giulianna and Luci as they are not in the clear yet. As such, we will be missing you today and only participate remotely at the mercy of those of you with iPhones who are willing to FaceTime us or call us and leave your phone on speaker.

We are praying for you this morning as you gather to worship. May God grant you in His infinite grace the answers your heart searches for and may you experience His love and peace to a greater degree than ever before. Thank you again for being here.

This Wednesday – January 15th – Family Time & Peak of the Week

Bring your takeout dinner to the church building on Wednesday from 6:00 PM and enjoy it in the company of brothers and sisters in Christ…

From 7:00 PM we will continue the viewing of Chosen, the new series on the life of our Lord. This episode is called The Wedding Gift and gives a little more creative introspect on the event that includes Jesus’ first real public miracle.

Anniversaries this week: Fred & Barb Oja (12th)

2020 Church Calendar

Calendar pages are printed and on the front table by the door. Please verify birth & anniversary dates. Also please look at dates for the congregational events and mark them on your calendars or provide feedback. Some events have a ? mark as I am waiting on feedback from you.

Men’s Breakfast

In 2019 we held our men’s breakfast from 8:30 AM on the 3rd Sunday of each month. As this seemed to be an inconvenient time for most of the men in the congregation for 2020 I received the suggestion that a better time and day for most of the men of the congregation to attend would be Saturday afternoon, which would be Men’s Tea Time, I suppose, which is aOK. Please drop your suggested time and days of the week in the Suggestion Box in the hallway, by the front door, if you’ve not yet done so. Thank you in advance!

Mahrokh Roksare Kanbari – held now for 98 days

Shortly before Christmas in December 2018, three Iranian intelligence agents raided the home of Mahrokh Roksare Kanbari, 65, in the city of Karaj. The agents confiscated cell phones, Bibles and Christian materials. Mahrokh was then taken to intelligence offices, where she endured ten days of intense interrogation from morning to evening.

At her trial in July 2019, friends said the judge was rude and tried to humiliate Mahrokh. He then sentenced her to one year in prison for “propaganda against the system.”.

Please pray for her as she is forced to endure a religious leader’s “instruction” and being directed to return to Islam.

If you have the Church Questionnaire, please slide it under my office door If you don’t. please get a copy from Lauren and bring it back completed next Sunday. Thank you.

Assembly Leaders for January

Greeters: Beth & Lisa

Welcome: Frank

Communion: Lora

Children’s Ministry - Wiggle Room recommended ages: 5 and under

TODAY – Evie

January 19th – Jules

Bulletin Date: 
Sunday, January 12, 2020