
Godquest 18 - The Poetry, The Wisdom & Prophecy

The Poetry

According to some, poetry is the purest form of literary expression. Throughout centuries of human history, master poets have painted the entire spectrum of human feelings in true masterpieces of poetic tableaus.

It should not surprise any of us that in the Bible we found impressive texts of poetry. The most magnificent book ever written contains some of the most impressive poetry the world has to offer.

The Psalms are so rich in meaning and imagery that the reader's life can't help but be fully impacted. That is because in the pages of poetry we find our relationship with God (Psalm 27), our craving for a deeper relationship driving us to praise (Psalm 66) and stimulates us to have a passion for God (Psalm 23).

The Wisdom

The Bible has three books devoted to wisdom; Proverbs, Job and Ecclesiastes.  In truth, bits of wisdom can be found everywhere in the Bible.

It is sufficient to look into today's wisdom to find that much of our society embraced Biblical concepts even though it continues to deny and exclude God from its daily affairs. However, at the root of every human failure one can find unmistakably the departure from Biblical wisdom.


Hebrews 1:1 describes the work of a Prophet as a mouth for God. While their circumstances were different, they all spoke of God's holiness and condemned man's sin, which in many cases did not make them popular and even brought about their death.

It's easy to avoid reading the seventeen books of prophecy in the Old Testament because their message is not always easy to understand due to how far removed the reader finds himself. You have to work to uncover the historical backgrounds of the intended audience in order to understand the core message.
The reward however is absolutely worth the price.

A word of caution, do not take verses out of these books and use them as legal articles of the Penal Code. Understand the intent of these books and see through them the character of God for these stories, are all about HIM.

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