
Ministry Reports

VBS 2015 Video

We had an awesome VBS week with 50 kids aged 2-11 as we learned how to find our courage through stories and lessons about people who were brave even when things looked scary. Enjoy a video compilation of special moments from our 2015 VBS!

April 2015 Quigley Quarterly

April, 2015 Quigley QuarterlyBus riding divine appointmentA number of years ago a church leader heard about Marty's Bible studies, but wasn't able to make it to very many of the sessions because he didn't live close enough to any of the sites. So as it happened, on March 16 he and Marty ended up riding the same bus for an hour. While they talked about what Romans teaches about the gospel, another passenger listened in. After that hour, the second man showed himself friendly and so the teaching on Romans resumed.

Fowler Jan.-Feb. Update

Fowlers’ Update for January-February 2015Our apologies for this late letter.  Upon re-entry in Italy we got caught up quickly in “must-do -yesterday” things. We are beginning to get our heads above water!Home againAfter a marathon in the States, we arrived home safely in time for New Year’s. The driving went so well that you could almost call it uneventful in some ways. We came home to very cold temperatures, but we are getting used to it.We want to tell you how much we enjoyed the hospitality and especially the loving encouragement.

Christmas Bake Sale Report

A special thanks to all of the participants of our Christmas Bake Sale! Our goal was to raise $100 for a World Vision ministry to buy a goat and 2 chickens for needy families.  However, thanks to the generosity of our church family, over $500 was raised and we were able to use this for a special package of 13 farm animals to help even more families! We praise God for this wonderful outpouring of love.

We look forward to showing you a short video this Sunday about how our gift will be used!
