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18th February 2024
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Here is a text version of our announcements:
Calendar of Events: - before attending please ALWAYS check against
18th – Bible Class – 10:00AM – In person & Zoom
18th – Worship Service – 11:00AM – In person & Zoom
19th – Zoom Bible Reading – 7:15PM
20th – Bible Break – 10AM – In person & Zoom
21st – Family Time – 6:00PM @ Troy Church
21st – Bible Study – 7:00PM – In person @ Troy Church
22nd – Zoom Bible Reading – 7:15PM
25th – Bible Class – 10:00AM – In person & Zoom
25th – Worship Service – 11:00AM – In person & Zoom
- New items added to the calendar will appear in red font when first added
Minister’s Corner
Shalom aleikhem! שָׁלוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם Peace be upon you!
Thank you for being with us this morning. We have the opportunity to come before God, our Father, through our Lord Jesus Christ and by the facility of His Holy Spirit, to share our hardships and sorrows as well as to celebrate our victories. I pray that at all times, no matter the distractions around you or the temptations of your mind, you focus on Him. There are so many promises God has made that are dependent on your belief and obedience. God desires to be known by you, to bless you in the purpose for which you were created. The challenge is that God’s blessings come when we fully trust Him and submit our wills to Him. Jesus told us that if we try to save our lives, we will lose them. But if we lay our life down, we will find it, a new life, full of the spirit and of the promises of rest and peace unexplainable. Let’s not be “fence riders” with one foot in and one out. Let’s jump in with both feet! Today!!!
This Wednesday – February 21st – Family Time & Bible Study
On Wednesday, we will meet in person for our Family Time at 6:00PM for those of you who want to bring their meal and eat it in the company of other brothers and sisters. This is our bi-weekly fellowship meal.
From 7PM, We will continue the new Bible Study on Faith Foundations with David Platt – Session 8 – Walking with God.
Birthdays this week: Sarah Appolson (19th);
Online Bible Reading – Monday & Thursday – 7:15PM.
Please make plans to join us this week for group Bible reading. This is a time ( in addition to you own personal Bible reading time), that offers us the possibility to be together in the word just as the Apostles and the early Church left by Christ, our Lord was. 100% pleasing to the Lord, I believe. This week we are starting Jeremiah.
Lunch & Fellowship
We would like to make you aware that after Sunday services we generally have several members who hang out at the building and share food together, potluck style. Bringing food is not a requirement to staying and eating so we invite you to stay and have lunch with us..
This morning besides the offering plate, you can as always have the option to make your contribution online at
If neither one of these options are suitable, please send a check to Lisa Jones. Her address is in the directory. Thank you.
We bring our requests to you O Lord:
For those who have suffered loss: Agustin & Ambrosio Families; Bruce Baker, Mary Alice, Schroeder Family, Dick Martin,
For those healing: Kirk Imhoff, Diane Flatt; Fran Birdwell, Kerry Appolson, Linda Palmer, Pat Zurlinden, Landon Oja
For healthy pregnancies & babies: Leslie Florescu.
For the people of Ukraine, Russia, Israel & Palestine
10 They disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness.
11 No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. - Hebrews 12:10-11