
20th October 2024

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Here is a text version of our announcements:

Calendar of Events: - before attending please ALWAYS check against troychurch.net/calendar


20th – Bible Class – 10:00AM – In Person & Zoom

20th – Worship Service – 11:00AM – In person & Zoom

20th – Food, Fellowship – 12:300PM - @ the church building

21st – Zoom Bible Reading – 7:15PM

22nd – Bible Break, Ladies Bible Study – 10AM @ the church building

23rd – Family Time – 6:00PM @ Troy Church

23rd – Bible Study – 7:00PM – In person @ Troy Church & Zoom

24th – Zoom Bible Reading – 7:15PM

27th – Bible Class – 10:00AM – In Person & Zoom

27th – Worship Service – 11:00AM – In person & Zoom

27th – Food, Fellowship – 12:30PM - @ the church building

- New items added to the calendar will appear in red font when first added

Minister’s Corner

Shalom aleikhem! שָׁלוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם Peace be upon you!

Thank you for your presence in our midst this morning. We’ve gathered to worship, and I wanted to share something I’ve heard about worship. Namely, that the best preparation for worship is not practice, but surrender.

What does surrender mean to you this morning when you think of God, of being in His presence. It reminds me of Peter when Jesus wanted to wash his feet, and his pride was not allowing him to let Jesus do it. In that moment, pride was the thing Peter needed to relinquish. As soon as Jesus brought him to the realization that unless he is willing to give up all of himself, he has no part with Jesus, Peter surrendered himself to Jesus and thus was able to experience God’s Spirit which he did repeatedly and throughout the rest of his journeys to spread the Gospel.

This Wednesday – October 23rd – Family Time & Bible Study

On Wednesday, we will meet in person for our Family Time at 6:00PM for those of you who want to bring their meal and eat it in the company of other brothers and sisters. This is our bi-weekly fellowship meal.

From 7PM, we will have a time of study led by Manu.

Birthdays this week: Alanda Slusser (21st); Melissa Balun (22nd); Atticus Florescu (26th)

Bible Break – Ladies Bible Study on Tuesday mornings – 10AM

Every Tuesday morning, a group of ladies from different congregations joins a group of our ladies for a Bible class. Currently studying Romans.

Zoom Bible Reading – Monday & Thursday from 7:15PM

Please plan to join our Bible Reading group. This session they will be reading through the New Testament. You can use the same Zoom link as you use to join the services on Sunday morning. .

Church of Christ Care Center – November 3rd

Our next day to serve the elderly at the Church of Christ Care Center will be on November 3rd. Please make plans from now to attend. We will eat at church and after head straight to the Care Center for the 2PM service.

Ukraine fundraiser – THANK YOU

Thank you to everyone for the support of the Ukrainian Bake Sale. My friend Tanya from Ukraine is a director of Christian Schools, and she requested funds for notebook computers for her staff. Due to constant blackouts in Ukraine its hard to keep computers working smoothly. In spite of the war, new Christian schools are still being opened in Ukraine! Thank you for your support ~Nadya


This morning besides the offering plate, you can as always have the option to make your contribution online at https://troychurch.net/give

If neither one of these options are suitable, please send a check to Lisa Jones. Her address is in the directory. Thank you.

We bring our requests to you O Lord:

For those who have suffered loss: Dick Martin & Family; Tomes Family, Agustin & Ambrosio Families; Oja & Pryludko families.

For those healing: Kenny Burtch, Karl Randall, Fran Birdwell, Nancy Schroeder, Bobby Westerby, Diane Flatt; Kerry Appolson, Pat Zurlinden, Landon Oja

For the people of Ukraine, Russia, Israel & Palestine

"In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart."

John Bunyan

Bulletin Date: 
Sunday, October 20, 2024