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2nd March 2025 Bulletin
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Here is a text version of our announcements:
Calendar of Events: - before attending please ALWAYS check against
2nd – Bible Class – 10:00AM – In Person & Zoom
2nd – Worship Service – 11:00AM – In person & Zoom
2nd – Food, Fellowship – 12:300PM - @ the church building
2nd – Church of Christ Care Center – 2:00PM
3rd – Zoom Bible Reading – 7:15PM
4th – Bible Break Ladies Bible Study – 10AM
5th – Fellowship Dinner – 6:00PM @ the building
5th – Peak of the Week Bible Study – 7:00PM @ the building & Zoom
6th – Zoom Bible Reading – 7:15PM
9th – Bible Class – 10:00AM – In Person & Zoom
9th – Worship Service – 11:00AM – In person & Zoom
9th – Food, Fellowship – 12:30PM - @ the church building
- New items added to the calendar will appear in red font when first added
Minister’s Corner
Shalom aleikhem! שָׁלוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם Peace be upon you!
Good morning and as we turned another page in the calendar allow me to wish you a happy new month. March snuck up on us and all of a sudden, we are one Sunday away from switching time and jumping forward. So, make sure to go an hour earlier to bed next week so you don’t try to catch up on your sleep during the Bible Class or Worship gathering.
God be praised for all the blessings the month of February brought to each of us and if February was a month of struggle for you, I hope you reached to God and know that God continued to watch and bless you even in the midst of that distress.
Thank you for being here today. Let’s focus on the source of our lives, lets honor Him with our words, songs but even more with our minds and hearts.
This Wednesday – 5th March – Fellowship Dinner & Bible Class – 6:00PM
Please make plans to join us for our BYOD (Bring Your Own Dinner) mid-week Fellowship at 6PM on Wednesday. This is a great time to connect, strengthen relationships and catch up with one another.
From 7PM we will have a Bible Study on the topic of Christian living from James’ perspective.
Birthdays this week: Evelyn Oja (6th);
Anniversaries this week: Charles & Maureen Tomes (4th), Brad & Brenda Imhoff (8th)
Bible Break – Tuesday – 10:00AM to noon
Every Tuesday morning, a group of ladies from different congregations joins a group of our ladies for a Bible class. Currently studying Romans. Please invite any of the ladies you know.
Zoom Bible Reading – Monday & Thursday from 7:15PM
Please plan to join our Bible Reading group. This session they will be reading through the New Testament. You can use the same Zoom link as you use to join the services on Sunday morning.
Church of Christ Care Center – March 2nd – 2PM – TODAY
Please make plans to attend and serve Christ by serving the folks at the Church of Christ Care Center. Be there before 2PM please so the service can start right on time. Thank you in advance!
This morning besides the offering plate, you can as always have the option to make your contribution online at
If neither one of these options are suitable, please send a check to Lisa Jones. Her address is in the directory. Thank you.
We bring our requests to you O Lord:
For those who have suffered loss: Bobby Westerby’s family; Dick Martin & Family; Tomes Family, Agustin & Ambrosio Families.
For those healing: Fran Birdwell, Kenny Burtch, Karl Randall, Nancy Schroeder, Diane Flatt; Kerry Appolson, Pat Zurlinden, Landon Oja
For our Government, the people of Ukraine, Russia, Israel & Palestine
"Don’t forget to thank God for protecting you from what you thought you wanted and blessing you with what you didn’t even know you needed."
- Unknown