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Godquest Day 7
Imagine that no one has ever talked to you about God and you never had the chance to stumble upon a biblical text.
- Is there enough evidence that surrounds you to uderstand that there is a God?
Romans 1:18-20 says that men are without excuse for there is plenty of surrounding evidence to point us toward God.
- Is there then any personal responsibility to finding the Truth?
Consider the workings of the human body, the ingeniosity of its interdependent systems. At what point in time was the liver created to purify the organism, to process the sugars and feed glucose to the brain? At what point in time was the brain created to regulate all the workings of the liver and the other organs which are vital in sustaining the very existance of the brain?
I used to answer simply: At the same point at which they develop now in a fetus that grows out of practically a cell continuously dividing.
You see, I had missed the essential presence of the mother not only providing the right temperature but providing the nutrients necessary to the development of the fetus. Necessary nutrients extracted from existing food by a very necessary and existing digestive system of the mother. How would all of these be provided without the mother? Chemical labs or outside artificial interference?
So many chances, many accidents happening the right way. It truly takes more faith to accept that than to accept the obvious alternative that it was all designed to be this way. Designed by a God who creates and Who loves and care for His creation.
In Psalm 139:13-14 David says that we are "wonderfully and fearfully made" which I believe is such an accurate description of the marvel of the human body.
I encourage you to take some time and visit:
These sites have a wealth of information. You might find some discrepancies in regards to some of the views, especially in regards to the age of the earth, but that is only part of a healthy environment of research and education.
In addition, do a search on youtube of Journey Inside the Cell.
May God keep blessing your journey as you discover more of Him!