
28th July 2024 Bulletin

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Here is a text version of our announcements:

Calendar of Events: - before attending please ALWAYS check against troychurch.net/calendar


28th – Bible Class – 10:00AM – In Person & Zoom

28th – Worship Service – 11:00AM – In person & Zoom

28th – Food, Fellowship – 12:30PM - @ the church building

31st – Family Time – 6:00PM @ Troy Church

31st – Bible Study – 7:00PM – In person @ Troy Church


4th – Bible Class – 10:00AM – In Person & Zoom

4th – Worship Service – 11:00AM – In person & Zoom

4th – Food, Fellowship – 12:30PM - @ the church building

4th – Church of Christ Care Center – 2:00PM

- New items added to the calendar will appear in red font when first added

Minister’s Corner

Shalom aleikhem! שָׁלוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם Peace be upon you!

Good morning on this sunny Lord’s and thank you for joining us to worship together a God Who is truly the embodiment of all the things that are noble and worthwhile. We all know that we are involved in a struggle that spans millennia. A battle between Good and evil for our hearts and thus, our souls. It occurs to me that at the core of it all is a battle of Love vs pride. Love in action is really service and service seems to be the killer of pride. Most often when we have a difficult time serving is because we put self-first, because we let pride dictate and rule our desire. The moment we are putting ourselves above others is the moment service becomes a chore rather than an opportunity and a blessing. As we gather today, let’s be mindful of this and let us overcome the evil crouching at the edges of our hearts, looking to be served, rather than to serve. In this we worship!

This Wednesday – July 31st – Family Time & Bible Study

On Wednesday, we will meet in person for our Family Time at 6:00PM for those of you who want to bring their meal and eat it in the company of other brothers and sisters. This is our bi-weekly fellowship meal.

From 7PM, we will have a time of study lead by Pat Oja.

Birthdays this week: Daniel McCauley (30th);

Anniversaries this week: Don & Jan Haefner (30th);

Wednesday Class Suggestions Please

We would like to see a greater number of our brothers and sisters on Wednesday evening and I am wondering what would take to make that happen. Please provide some suggestions that would make your trip to the church building worthwhile. It is always the same 8 or 9 families, and we would love to fellowship with some of our other brothers and sisters. That comes up to about 50% of the congregation so I’m not saying it’s not good. Definitely better % than many congregations but there are some of you we miss not seeing more than once a week.

Church of Christ Care Center – in ONE weeks

Our next worship at the Care Center is on August 4th. Please make plans to attend. Please arrive at 1:45ish. Service starts at 2PM but being early is a great way to shake some hands and show a bit of love to the residents of the Care Center.

Bible Study

If you would like an individual, one on one, Bible study on a certain subject, please send me an email at manu@troychurch.net and we can arrange a weekly meeting. Space is limited so first come, first served.


This morning besides the offering plate, you can as always have the option to make your contribution online at https://troychurch.net/give

If neither one of these options are suitable, please send a check to Lisa Jones. Her address is in the directory. Thank you.

We bring our requests to you O Lord:

For those who have suffered loss: Dick Martin & Family; Tomes Family, Agustin & Ambrosio Families; Oja & Pryludko families.

For those healing: Karl Randall, Fran Birdwell, Nancy Schroeder, Bobby Westerby, Diane Flatt; Kerry Appolson, Pat Zurlinden, Landon Oja

For the people of Ukraine, Russia, Israel & Palestine

A life of purpose is a life of service, giving to others with total and unconditional love is the key.― Frank Arrigazzi

Bulletin Date: 
Sunday, July 28, 2024