
Godquest 9

Christians, generally, hold to different views in regards to the age of the earth but essentially all the views share the following essential beliefs:
- God created the Universe
- The Bible is the Word of God
- Our knowledge of God and His ways is incomplete

Some Christians are Young Earth Creationists
- This view holds the belief that God created the earth approximatively six to ten thousand years ago in a period of literal six, twenty four hour days.
According to this view, the earth "looks" much older than it is and this is primarily explained by the Flood (Genesis 6-8) which dramatically changed the geology of the earth. Young earth creationists interpret the creation accounts in Genesis 1 and 2 literally.

Other Christians subscribe to an Old Earth Creationism belief
- This is also known as Progressive Creationism. In this view, God created the Universe ten to fifteen billion years ago. While the Bible does not give us the age of the Earth or the Universe, it does tell us that time is different for God than it is for us (Psalm 90:4, 1 John 2:18). Those who hold this view interpret scientific evidence as pointing more and more to an old Universe.

Theistic Evolution
- In a nutshell, theistic evolutionists believe that God created human beings by means of evolution and natural selection. Although they believe the Bible is true, they interpret the creation accounts in the Bible in a figurative rather than a literal way.

The real issue is not how old, or young the universe and earth are. The real issue of their origin is if God created them or accidental processes did.

Do you still wonder about the creation and how it all came to be? Are you one minute in wonder at how it could be possible for something so powerfully testifying to intelligent design to turn into a murdering chaos such as an earthquake, a tornado or a hurricane or even the enemy that brings fear in the heart of most humans; cancer?

To which of the views I described to you subscribe and why?
Meditate upon the reasons and allow yourself to question them.
We are searching for the TRUTH but it is a PERSONAL TRUTH and this truth is not known only by scientific experimentation or by education alone but by relationship.

Unfold your beliefs and doubts in front of GOD. Ask for revelation and for help to understand and keep your eyes open in the days to come :)

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