
15th February 2015 Bulletin

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Here is a text version of our announcements:

Calendar of Events:- please check troychurch.net as well


17th - Bible Break Ladies Bible Study @ the Building - 9:30AM

18th - Angela Stabel - Rochester College - Liberation 12 - 7:00PM

- New items added to the calendar will appear in red font when first added


I pray you are among us today ready to love, to encourage, to open your heart and in returned be loved and encouraged. We have much to be thankful for! One of the way that God has tried to make us understand His love for us is by comparing Himself with a good father. The other day I was reading about unthinkable things done by fathers (and mothers) when their children were faced with imminent danger and death. I was AMAZED! (even though there was not one of those things I wouldn’t do if danger or death was imminent to one of my children).

I got to thinking of God however, and how He has compared Himself with a good Father. So,… if I were willing to jump in front of a bus, throw myself from a building to cushion the fall of my child, jump in an ice hole with no certainty of ever finding a way out before death, bare handed wrestle a bear, run into a burning building as it collapses all around me with no protective gear, then how much more HE would do each one of those, including being nailed to a cross for me, for you, exactly how we find ourselves this day? Yes, much to be thankful for! Let’s give thanks!

This Wednesday – February 18th, 2015 – Devo Night - Guest Speaker

This Wednesday as our 3rd Wednesday of the month we will have as guests the representatives of Liberation 12 from Rochester College. Liberation 12 is a socially responsible corporation that was founded with the intent of providing financial support to anti-prostitution and anti-trafficking charities. They are a team of compassionate people trying to create a sustainable business through the sale of handmade crafts. Examples of their outreach include: partnering with Rochester College student organizations to assemble care packages for Detroit-based outreach teams; donating scarves to victims of trafficking; hosting service projects to write encouraging letters to the victims; collecting supplies for local outreach teams; donating blankets.                                    

From 6:00PM we will, as always, enjoy dinner together and this week is Team 2.

Invite Someone!

Ken Rideout

As many are aware, our brother Ken Rideout died on Monday, February 10 in Thailand.  His body was cremated and will be interred with Ruth’s, his first wife, who died of cancer in Thailand some 20 years ago.  Ken and Ruth were missionaries there and Troy Church contributed to their support for many years. A memorial service was held for Ken on Friday, February 13 in Thailand.  His wife Sandra is planning another service in Nashville (date not yet set) and will be greatly encouraged if some from Troy attend.

Troy Church 60th Anniversary

This year we celebrate 60 years from the formation of Troy Church of Christ. We would like to put together an anniversary book as well as create a timeline board with pictures and stories of the journey of this congregation. Please dig through your closets, albums, hard drives and memories and help us with pictures, videos, stories and whatever other material you may find that shows a part of the history of the Troy Church of Christ. (Please provide the material to Pat Oja or Luke Beard)

Thank you!

Assembly Leaders for February

Greeters: Lauren & Ron

Welcome: Deborah

Communion: Candace Cain / Keith

Servers: designated by Communion Leader

Children’s Ministry


15th February - Children’s Worship: Ellen Madson & Lisa Logan

15th February - Nursery On Call: Leslie Florescu

Next Week

22nd February – No Separate Children’s Worship

22nd February - Nursery On Call: Lisa Jones

Bulletin Date: 
Sunday, February 15, 2015