
Fowler Update for July and August 2015

Fowler Update for July and August 2015

Vincenzo needs a computer and badly! This very bright young man is son of our recent convert, Andrea Farina. The school system has arbitrarily made the use of computers in the classroom mandatory, supposedly facilitating virtual instruction. His courses have no schoolbooks, just computers! His father and mother both work but do not earn enough to send their son to school with the mandatory equipment. The boy needs to begin using on September 14. If you would like to participate in purchasing the required machine let us know immediately so we can move ahead in time to meet the school’s deadline. The cost  is $ 352,80  (used). You may send your help to our forwarding secretary, Debbie Alwardt, Box 1403, Lebanon MO. This request is very time sensitive. 
Harold’s library. We're making a move in our life decisions: we've started to downsize Harold’s library. We would like for others to have the benefit of these books.  Over the years we have found them immensely useful and they are like old friends and teachers. We have found them to be counselors. It is a massive task for us, because there are over 1600 volumes. We are in the process of looking for established Christian libraries that might be interested in making good use of these books. The organization involves grouping the books into English/Italian, Commentaries and reference books, children's books, books that we have published (Italian), sets of Readers' Digest novels in both English and Italian and of course books that we need to keep.  Please pray for us, because we have never organized a library like this before. This is a task that will have to be done regardless of future strategies for our ministry. 
Harold’s health. He was able to lead the singing last Sunday in the absence of our regular song leader.  He has been doing exercises for breathing since Parkinson’s causes the muscles to atrophy. This was the first time he had led the worship since his fall almost two years ago. Praise the Lord for His mercy and help: Harold did a good job! (Enid says)
Meanwhile, we continue to pray for you and for the various situations with which you are involved. You are in a different part of the vineyard than us, but it is one vineyard and we are in this harvest together.
We send our love, Enid and Harold Fowler