
Fowler 2016 March and April Update

Fowler 2016 March and April Update



“Even though Abel died, his belief continues to catch our notice” (Hebrews 11:4 MSG). This truism reflects a concept that Harold has been working on for decades through his writing ministry. To prepare leaders for preaching and teaching in Italy, he has written over 100 books and Bible lessons for his own preaching and teaching as well. We hope that our writing ministry will give us the avenue to continue to speak even after we too pass off the scene. So Harold is preparing for this change of scene by making his primarily Italian publications available in electronic format. Other workers have a standing request for anything that Harold writes. Recently, one brother leader requested all of Harold’s Italian productions in electronic format. This we can do also stateside, thanks to the WorldWideWeb of Internet.

Support needed

As we begin our transition back to the States, we will still need mission support until we can get settled. There are decisions to be made about our eventual location. Meanwhile, we have to break up over 50 years of housekeeping, even while ministering here. With Harold’s Parkinson’s disease, it seems like we are moving very slowly toward that goal. So, we appreciate all of your prayers and encouragement all these years and especially now. Thank you!


In our church, the gift of repentance and forgiveness is looking beautiful to the brother who underwent church discipline. He has made good progress because his penitent heart came through the fire. The church is definitely stronger for helping him through his spiritual crisis. His strong Christian wife had a lot to do with his rehabilitation.

But Satan was not finished yet

No sooner had the Church gotten this first crisis headed in the right direction, than another family in the congregation shocked everyone by announcing their separation. This triggered complaints from another family that worships with us at Matelica. They were scandalized and chose to abandon the church, causing yet another painful emergency. Just when we imagined that everything was nailed down…! In an hour such as this, we are the Church, by the Lord’s grace, able to absorb this blow. Since our group is family oriented, this separation threatens to split the church. So please join with us to intercede for these your brothers and sisters, that they be reunited in the Lord.

The moral quality of superficial religion in the Italian society in general is very low, which in turn influences the Christians negatively. Because of their employment, this couple has lived for years virtually isolated from Christian fellowship and encouragement. They have four teenage daughters whose salvation is also at stake. Join us in prayer that, under the Spirit’s influence, this couple may be won back to the Lord, to each other and all to the glory of God.

We are grateful that the Lord is able to use you to work with us through your support and prayer.

We send you our love,


Harold and Enid Fowler
