
Fowler Update for September 2015

Fowler Update for September 2015

Fowlers’ Update for September 2015
One brother advised us to check our computer for a possible virus. He had received a “bugged” email purporting to come from us. We have an Apple Macintosh for which there are no known viruses. (There could always be a first time.) Nevertheless, someone has connected a false and dangerous address to our address. DO NOT CLICK ON ANYTHING THAT YOU DO NOT RECOGNIZE. Our correct address is hrldfowler@yahoo.com. Would you please respond to this update and report any suspicious activity, and simply answer (1) “clean” if you find nothing suspicious or (2) “bugged” if you see something wrong. This will give us some idea which way to go. We have prayed for God’s protection on what we send out to you. Naturally, we would like to see how He answers these prayers.
Rejoice and thank God: we reached our goal for the computer for Vincenzo! In fact, we reached the goal ahead of the deadline! Most of the money was promised within the first half day, and Vincenzo was able to begin school with the proper equipment. The Lord got a harvest of praise as believers asked for the privilege of participating in this effort. The original intention was to purchase a used computer, but the income was such that we were able to purchase a new one! Any more gifts that come in will go for unforeseeable expenses connected with schooling for Vincenzo or his family.
It was heart-warming to see all of the enthusiasm in those who wanted to help this family get their son into school with the necessary equipment. The humble gratitude of the parents and the joy of their boy, who thought the computer was an impossible dream, has been a moving experience as they thank God and thank you. •
The death of an enemy.  One of our brothers was so desperate for money to pay his bills and care for his family that he was severely tempted to borrow from a loan shark. Thank the Lord, our brother did not take the money, and we were able to keep him and his family afloat temporarily. If they had taken the usurer’s money, they faced an unbelievably high interest rate, making the loan impossible to pay in the long run. The ungodly moneylender threatened to use violent Mafia-style methods of “loan collection.” Incredibly just a few days later, the loan shark suddenly died! There may be no connection between his threats to a Christian and his totally unexpected death. Could this be a case of the righteous trusting God and waiting on the Lord, and letting him act in his own time? It was not an easy battle with the tensions involved, but the Lord won the victory in our brother’s heart and got the praise. •
Harold’s library and Muslim implications for our work. Larry Lewis, one of our missionaries in Germany, operates a Christian library in Berlin, and has declared his intention to take Harold’s entire library, so we won’t have to transport the books ourselves. Sending them to Berlin makes sense since the clientele of the library is multilingual.
Would you please pray for this project? There are serious problems to consider, not the least of which is the hordes of Muslim emigrants pouring into central Europe. They are involuntarily creating situations of anxiety for the resident Europeans who feel forced to close down many of their borders.  • 
We send you our love.
Harold and Enid Fowler
Europe for Christ Mission
P. O. Box 1403
Lebanon, MO 65536-1403