
Goballens: End of year update.

Goballens: End of year update.

Dear Keith,
To say that 2020 has been a year of feelings would be an understatement. Some of our feelings likely intersect with some of yours. Others have differed. While we'll begin in January, since we've written several times this year, we'll concentrate on year's end.

Kathy and I have felt grateful she has enjoyed much greater mobility this year, following knee replacement surgery in January. The surgery and scores of physical therapy sessions over three plus months from a kind, capable therapist at nearby McKean Rehabilitation Center and Hospital were positively life changing. The hospital and rehabilitation center began in 1908 as the McKean Leper Asylum through the work of a missionary doctor, James McKean, who died the same year Kathy and I were born.

Just after Thanksgiving, Kathy and I joined other Cornerstone staff and families to in Jesus’ name bless 20 plus elderly McKean residents now recovered from leprosy, other illnesses, or accidents that crippled most of them.  It was a time of celebration, during which we sang Christmas carols with them, played instrumental offerings, games, gave personal gifts and helpful supplies. While Kathy taught residents some stress-reduction exercises, Averill and a few others sang carols, gave gifts, and prayed with four patients who were unable to join the larger celebration. 

"In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus
concerning you."
 - I Thessalonians 5:18 KJV
Prizes to winners of a fun Bingo game
Kathy presents gift of supplies to McKean chaplain and nurse assistant
Cornerstone staff and families, McKean chaplain, nursing attendant, and a resident
We’ve felt blessed many times in 2020 that, despite loss of loved ones, disappointments and thwarted plans, we remain healthy and feel safe and free – with accommodations – to continue serving Kingdom workers locally, regionally, and others who are stranded far from home. How to function? How to serve? How to thrive? when life seems discombobulated? Yet, sharing others’ crises, illnesses, dislocation, failings, and discouragement, and seeing some learn to face challenges, rest in the Lord, renew focus, and move ahead with persistence, trusting God. This is blessed.

We’ve been blessed to welcome families stranded here in Chiang Mai outside the countries where they serve. That’s been enriching for us and God only knows how He will use these serendipitous friendships to undergird and multiply disciples and communities of faith, as seeds are planted, faith is engendered, and disciples sprout and grow in faith, hearts and minds and relationships are transformed here and in distant locales. 

Last Thursday we celebrated the marriage of friends in our local fellowship. Unusual it was. Mary is from a Burmese minority, a minister’s daughter, educated in Thailand and Australia, an administrative assistant for the fellowship and its ministry foundation; Noland is Chilean, teaches middle school science in English to Thai and international English learner pupils; and is the new disciple whose baptism we shared with you in May.  

The wedding was live in Chiang Mai. His and her parents, siblings, and relatives participated in the ceremony and reception from five countries on four continents via Zoom. Beautiful. At once simple and complex. Warm and loving. A real joy in the Lord.

Averill praying God's blessing on Noland and Mary's future as two-become-one
As we reflect on Jesus becoming one of us 2000 years ago, to redeem us, give us new life in the kingdom of light, adopt us into his growing global family, and commission us to be his ministers of reconciliation, and 
As we reflect on the worldwide craziness and disruption, fear and illness, conflict and death that people in every nation have experienced in 2020,
We are so very thankful that He has been faithful to walk alongside you and us throughout this period,
That in the midst of our disappointments He engenders hope,
When we’ve felt fearful or depressed He has lifted our heads and brightened our eyes,
In the midst of conflicts He has permitted a growing throng to find His peace,
Amidst suffering and loss He has continued to bring peace and healing and blessing,
Out of their poverty He has led disciples in hard places to give generously from His supply,
And to both boldly and creatively share His Story with many who had never before heard,
So in this crazy year out of death and desolation He is still bringing new life and restoration.
And we praise Him.
“He became sin who knew no sin that we might become the
righteousness of God in Him.” – II Corinthians 5:21
The US, UK, and other countries began administering CoVid vaccines yesterday. We pray they will prove to be effective in mitigating the current pandemic. We pray for repentant hearts to be reconciled with God and with one another in Christ Jesus.

The first of our Beyond colleagues who have been stranded Stateside since February or March arrived in Bangkok Sunday, for two weeks of quarantine before they'll be allowed to return home to continue face to face work among the Buddhist peoples of Eastern Thailand. Please join us in praying that God will help our other stranded members find suitable visa pathways so they may also rejoin us in Thailand, other parts of SE Asia, and several global hotspots as soon as possible. 

We are thankful for you. For your love. Your prayers. Your financial gifts for our support, given in Jesus’ name, so we can continue serving here, His partners and yours, for His glory. As God provides your needs, please ask if He would have you close out the year with a gift that will help carry us forward into 2021. Thank you.  

We wish you a Reflective and Merry Christmas and the New Year 2021 filled with Hope and Health and Purpose, Love and Blessings!

                                            Averill & Kathy
PS We would be honored to receive your reflections on 2020, so we can join you in your joys and in your griefs, your challenges and your blessings, your fears and your faith. We're in this together in Him.

Year-End Partnering:

1. Send checks written to Beyond with an attached note "Preferenced for Averill & Kathy A" to
                                                                 P.O. Box 831539
                                                                 Richardson, TX 75083-1539