
Leader Assessment

Leader Assessment

The Troy Church of Christ has a practice of periodically assessing the ministries of it elders and deacons and receiving suggestions for new people to serve in these capacities. We believe that this is essential to maintaining the vitality of these ministries. In prior years we assessed half of the leaders every year so that each person was assessed every two years. Since it has been substantially longer than two years since our last assessment, all three elders have agreed to be reassessed by the congregation at this time.

This is also your opportunity to suggest new people to be recognized for these ministries. Note that we do not appoint a person and ask them to take on the ministry; rather we ask you to recognize those who are already doing the work of an elder or a deacon, then we as a congregation will ordain them to that ministry.

Whom should we consider for these ministries, and what should we expect of them? For elders (overseers, bishops), please review 1 Peter 5:1-5, Titus 1:5-9 and 1 Timothy 3:1-7. For deacons please review 1 Timothy 3:8-10. Feel free to add to these any other passages you find relevant.

Attached is the assessment form.
