
Fowler Update for February and March 2014

Fowler Update for February and March 2014


DID YOU RECEIVE THIS UPDATE? This sounds like a dumb question, because if you did not receive it, you wouldn’t be here reading it! We opened up our Yahoo contacts list to create mass mailing only to find that Yahoo has taken off a feature that should permit us to do such mailings. We are sending this update with the prayer that “the mail must go through.” So, would you be so kind as to drop us note of confirmation, saying, “Mail arrived”? Thanks!
During the five months of Harold’s convalescence, Andrea Farina and his wife Belinda have requested (and gotten) home Bible studies in Fowlers’ home. The location proved fruitful and wise, as it gave the tranquility needed for prayer and study. Andrea decided to program these for a serious period of two hours each session. They both knew what they wanted and they had lots of questions, because they had grown up in the Catholic system and were quite disenchanted with it. Sometimes all Harold and Enid needed to do was answer their questions. Sometimes we “team taught,” because Enid had a woman’s insights and could contribute significantly from this perspective. This relationship came more naturally for both of us, since we are the age of their parents, and we loved it too.
MATELICA CHURCH. Our people have been thrilled with a new brother in Christ, and have embraced him and his family. After a long drought, this conversion was a confirmation of the validity of patience in prayer and a wake-up call for those who are frequenting our group but have not yet accepted the Lord. For those who may not know it, “Andrea” è primarily a masculine name. It comes from the Greek and means “manly”. How it got to be a female name is the mystery. It appears in Scripture as name of the apostle Andrew. This apostle’s claim to fame is the fact that he introduced his brother Peter to the Lord. It is highly significant that, without prompting from us, Andrea declared his intention to seek out other people to bring to Christ. What a good spirit! He is now requesting help to begin teaching his two sons.
We certainly appreciate your kind prayers on our behalf.
Harold and Enid Fowler