
Fowler Update for July and August 2016

Fowler Update for July and August 2016


Earthquake in our backyard

Thanks for praying for our safety during the earthquake. You may not have known that we were even having a tremor, but the Lord did and gave us life. So far, some 294 victims didn’t make it, so we do not take our lives for granted. This morning a smaller quake (2,9 on the Richter) was registered in our little county,  

Even though the earthquake stricken area is just about 70 miles from us, we felt two major shocks (6.3 on the Richter scale) that sounded like a freight train roaring through our apartment, followed by many small ones that were felt but not especially scary. Even during the big shakes Enid decided to finish her wash by hanging it on a rack in the kitchen and went back to bed. So when morning came, they were already half dry. In the biggest part of the shake it seemed that the bedroom ceiling was about to fall on us, but nothing like that occurred, thank the Lord.

The epicenter of the quake area is just southeast of us. The fault line puts us almost in the lineup for a real blast ourselves! In fact, when the first earthquake hit, it seemed like a bomb blast trying to take out the ceiling over our heads. Strangely, nothing came of it; praise the Lord!

The well-trained civil defense team came together in a marvelous way, bringing heartwarming human solidarity to the survivors and coworkers. The President of the Republic, the Prime Minister, the leaders of both the House and Senate all came bringing real serious words of love and comfort to the people. One of the little towns hit is famous for its amatriciana pasta recipe; so with this kind of food cooked in the military field kitchen, they all have plenty to eat. Tons of food and other necessities are being trucked in. Since schools and hospitals were hit, they are getting first priority treatment

This earthquake came almost on the heels of several major quakes we had a few years ago. This permitted everyone including the volunteers to get their act together far more rapidly than might have been the case otherwise.

Progress is too slow on our move to the States.

We are plodding toward our goal to ship our goods and leave for the States by October 15. This is contingent on selling our car, our pianoforte and closing out all accounts (lights, water, gas, garbage, etc.)

Harold preached again Sunday.

“Not all bad things come to hurt you.” So goes the Italian proverb. It means that sometimes, something that seems bad can turn out to be good and positive benefits.

This was illustrated when, due to bad health, Harold had to step aside from the regular preaching responsibility in the Matelica church. Now the younger men have stepped in to assume more responsibility for leading the church. So what seemed like a bad situation for the church is turning out to be a good one. The group is seeing that it can govern and support itself and it does not have to depend constantly on “foreign” leadership (Harold).

His Parkinson’s affects his instant recall and voice control.  But he has taken therapy and is able to lead the weekly Bible study that the leaders cannot yet cover.

Say, we really do need your love and prayers at this time. We really would like to ship everything and fly to the States before October 15. May the Lord’s will be done.

We send our love and gratitude for every one of you.

Harold and Enid Fowler